The Content Checklist: 84 Actionable Steps To A Perfect Campaign

What do you think is stopping you from creating great content?

You’ll probably say time, budget or talent – but with a rock-solid process, you don’t need to rely on these things a fraction as much as you currently do.

Building that kind of process takes trial, error, iteration and experience. But thankfully we’ve done all the hard work so that you don’t have to…

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What’s holding you back when it comes to content marketing?

Maybe it’s not knowing where to start.

Maybe it’s the feeling of having to ‘reinvent the wheel’ every single time you kick off a new campaign.

Maybe it’s that feeling that we’re always forgetting something – or that we could be doing just that little bit more to make our efforts go further.

And in the end, too many of us just say… screw this!

Best-case scenario: We spend too much time trying to put all the pieces together, and not enough time engaging and communicating with our audience.

Worst-case scenario: We just overlook content altogether. Too much hassle. We’ll do it tomorrow. Next month. Next year. Some time… and hopefully our competitors won’t get their act together more quickly than we do.

So let’s cut to the chase… what’s our solution?

It’s pretty simple, really. Process.

Not the type of process that will make your content seem robotic and impersonal.

Not the type that you’re going to spend more time learning to get to grips with than ultimately using.

And not the type that comes in a document that you can read, get excited about, but then ultimately hit a brick wall when you go to get started.

You need an action plan. And that’s what we’ve got for you.

We’ve broken down the overwhelming tasks into manageable chunks, meaning you get:

Bite-sized tasks

We don’t tell you to ‘create content’ – because you know that already. Instead, we list the simple, achievable steps that will get you there.

Detailed instructions

This isn’t just a checklist – it’s an instructional document with tips, directions and tools to help you get from start to finish, no matter what your experience level is.

Status checks and trackability

The satisfaction when you mark a task as done – and the whole line goes green. YUM. Who could resist that?

Follow the steps. Get the results.

It’s really that simple.

Hi, I’m Aidan!

Lovely to meet you. How are you keeping?

I run Far From Avocados, a successful marketing agency in Dublin, Ireland. We’ve grown from 0 to 7-figures in turnover in just over three years.

Why? Because we understand that great processes lead to great content.

And guess what… I built this tool!

If I sound like an excitable child showing their parent a work of art they’ve just completed, that could be down to one of two reasons:

a) My toddler just showed me a painting while I was writing this, so I guess that was on my mind
It was of a bridge on the Island of Sodor, and it looked great!

b) I AM proud of this tool!
Like son, like father.

Too many people – both in my own agency and in client organizations we worked with – were ‘reinventing the wheel’ every time they began to create a content plan.

And I include myself in that – in fact, I was probably the worst offender of all!

Too much energy was being invested in managing the process – and not enough was being spent on making mind-blowingly good content that grew businesses.

So I did what I do best.

I solved the problem, once and for all.

I asked myself:

“What if I can create a checklist that breaks down step-by-step the stages of a content marketing campaign, and help people to turn this complicated process into an easy one?”

“What if I can get these steps out of my brain and on to a page, documenting exact instructions for each step for creating sales-generating and connection building content?”

“What if I can create a marketing content checklist where every step is simple – but the sum of the parts is professional-grade?”

And that’s exactly what I did.

Meet the Step-By-Step Content Marketing Checklist…

84 Steps. 9 Stages.

This tool separates the 84 steps into nine distinct stages of the content process, bringing you from initiation to completion.

1) Strategy Development
Explore your business objectives, your audience, your opportunities and how these influence your content strategy.

2) Technical Preparation
Get set-up for launching your social media and ad accounts.

3) Pre-Production
Plan how you’re going to create your content, by establishing repeatable processes, allowing you to get the right information from the right people.

4) Production
Execute these plans by creating blog, video, podcast and email content.

5) Quality Control
Edit and cross-check everything you’ve produced to ensure that it’s in line with your brand.

6) Re-purposing
Invest time in making sure that you can reuse the content you’ve created in multiple ways.

7) Optimization
Deep-dive into SEO to ensure that the right people are finding your brand.

8) Distribution
Get started on your ad campaigns, focusing on what audiences you’re targeting and running conversion campaigns.

9) Measurement
Gauge your success against your KPIs and adjust your approach accordingly.

Now, it’s your turn. Get the checklist, and you’ll get:


A product based on the experience of an expert that has sold more than 5,000 digital products aimed at making the content marketing process more efficient (both for professional creators and business owners or in-house teams).


A “peek” into the brain of a man who runs one of Ireland’s top content marketing agencies (having grown from zero to 7-figure turnover in just three years!)


Exact instructions along the way will save you from getting lost in the process, making sure you know exactly what to do in each step.


A guaranteed way to increase the effectiveness of your content with a checklist that stitches together all the important steps of the process, in a way that makes it easy for everyone.

Industry tips

“Insider” secrets and optimizations that can shortcut your way to effective content that delivers business growth.

It all comes as part of The Step-By-Step Content Marketing Checklist.

The Document
Content Checklist Tool – Google Sheets (Recommended Version)
220 Bytes
Content Checklist tool – Excel
38.3 KB

It’s Decision Time

You have a choice to make: Do what you’ve been doing (or worse, do nothing at all).
We saw where that will lead. Is that really where you want to go?

You can also take a new action, and get a new result.

Finally, feel that you actually know what you’re doing. That you are stirring this ship (your business) in the right direction. That you create valuable content for your customers, that draws people into you.

Which do you really want for yourself?

Here’s what you need to do now:

Get your access to the checklist today!

  1. Download the checklist or open in Google Sheets.
  2. Follow the steps in order, using the resources and instructions we provide along the way.
  3. Keep track of your efforts by marking each step as you complete it.
  4. Develop your content marketing plan from zero to fully operational without any of the headaches.
  5. Re-use it every time you want to create a fresh campaign.


What is it?

It’s an spreadsheet file containing a pre-programmed process for building a content marketing strategy – end to end, idea to optimisation.

Why are you making it public?

Because it’s very, very good – and people want to buy it! Content strategy is now so complex that you can’t afford to not have a tool like this in your arsenal; we’re genuinely happy to be able to help people on that front.

Isn’t it a bit expensive?

Honestly? We don’t think so! A content strategist’s hourly rate can be anything from $100 to $250 (and beyond) – and whether you’re cutting down on outsourcing hours, or bringing it in-house, you’ll make the money back on a single hour’s savings.

If you are a strategist yourself, this will allow you to deliver more work in a fraction of the time, thus freeing you up and increasing your billable capacity.

And that’s before you even consider the impact that a solid content strategy will have on your business. That’s the big prize here – but really, you’ll make your money back on time savings alone.

What’s included in the download?

There’s the spreadsheet itself, plus a directory of tools and external resources that we feel might help you along the way.

What’s your refund policy?

Here’s the thing, though. We’re a small business, making our first steps into selling our expertise online – and once you’ve downloaded the file, that’s it. You have it, and we can’t stop you from using it even if we do give you your money back.

We’re offering this policy because we believe that people are fundamentally decent, and we’re confident in the tool: send us an email if you’re really not satisfied, and we’ll give you your money back.

What we ask in return that anyone requesting a refund will be honest, and will help us to improve – either by telling us why the product wasn’t what they thought it was, so we can improve our sales and marketing materials, or why it’s not at the standard they expected so we can make it better.

Seems fair, right?

Who are you?

We’re Far From Avocados – one of the top content marketing agencies in Ireland, having grown from 0 to six-figure turnover in just two years.

We love having robust processes in place, not because we’re nerds (though we are) – but because they allow us to focus more on the ‘human’ elements of content.

If we’re wasting less energy trying to commit our ideas to paper, we can invest a lot more in bringing them to life!

This tool is a perfect embodiment of that principle – hence why it’s so important to us!

Can’t I get this free from somewhere else?

Not this template, no – we developed this specifically for our own operations as a content agency, and it’s unique.

You will, of course, find many free content strategy templates on the internet. But none of them will do what this one can do.

(If they did, we wouldn’t have created this tool!)

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